Happy 90th Birthday Don Cable

On May 11,2021, at the monthly meeting of Post 1776, we had a special celebration for RD2 Donald Cable.  In honor of his 90th birthday on the next day (May12), the post tried to sing “Happy Birthday” to Don (really not too bad). We also had a birthday cake for him and the Long Valley Garden Club presented him with hanging plant. In addition, the “Kids for Kindness” supplied donuts for the occasion.

Don mentioned that he had received over 100 birthday cards (and still counting) from the students at Old Farmers school.   Someone (?) must had tipped off the school about his birthday, right Chuck.

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you ……..

VA Survivors and Burial Benefits

Per this morning’s meeting, here is some information from the VA that may be helpful to you. John Larkin will put this link on our website so that it will be readily available at any time. Please be advised that when a Veteran dies some of us get involved with assisting not only with the services and burial but also for the surviving members of the family.
The VA name for this information is called VA Survivors and Burial Benefits Kit. It is, I believe, 68 pages but has some valuable information. If you have any questions just give me a call.
Thanks. Be well. Be safe.


On Saturday December 19, 2020 the residents of Long Valley remembered our deceased veterans by holding a ceremony at Our Lady of the Mountain Church, followed the laying of Wreaths on the graves of veterans in the six Washington Twp. cemeteries.

The program was spearheaded by Mike Lennon of the Long Valley Knights of Columbus, with the help of Chuck Dauchert of the American Veterans Association of Washington Twp. Post 1776 and the Washington Twp. Police Department.

It may have been a cold day with plenty of snow on the ground, but those who attended the ceremony had no trouble laying the wreaths on the grave of our deceased veterans.

The program was as follows:

Photo’s from the ceremony:

Mike Lennon Knights of Columbus
               Sarah Guida
                Rev. Mike Drury
Navy Master CPO Thomas McBride Commander, American Veterans Association  of Washington Twp., Post 1776 

Kaare Allan Johnson 1924-2020

Awarded the Croix de Guerre and the French Legion of Honor
Kaare Allan Johnson, loving husband, father and grandfather, died peacefully at home on November 30, 2020. He was 96.
Allan was born on May 21, 1924 at home on Staten Island, NY, to Hildeborg Teresie (Teresa) Torjesson Vehus and Henry Johnson. His wife, Norah Patricia Ewell of Richmond, VA, preceded him in death in 1998, as did his younger brother, Kurt Viking Johnson in 2018.
He graduated from Curtis High School before entering the Army in 1943, volunteering for the paratroops. He served in the 596 Parachute Engineers in the 517th Parachute Infantry Regimental Combat Team, parachuting into southern France on August 15, 1944 as part of Operation Dragoon, the second-largest airborne invasion of the war. Injured in September 1944, he rejoined his outfit at the very end of active combat in early 1945. Allan returned home to his relieved family just days before Christmas in 1945.
Allan attended Harvard University before graduating from Wagner College in 1952, completing a master’s degree in 1960. He married Patricia in 1960 and had two daughters, Claire and Laura. He worked as a middle school social studies teacher for 34 years, 29 of them for Mendham Borough, until 1989. In retirement, he worked until early 2020 at Ramsey Outdoor as a sales associate. He was a past president of the Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs, and served on their board.
In 1999, Allan reconnected with his airborne band of brothers, attending reunions and returning to France – a lifelong dream. These visits became a summer staple as he returned to support heartfelt commemorations and gave rise to international friendships, culminating in his final visit in 2019 for the 75th anniversary of Operation Dragoon. He was a proud recipient of the French Croix de Guerre, the French Legion of Honor, and the New Jersey Distinguished Service Medal, conferred in April of 2020.

West Morris High School

On Friday evening, October 2,  Post 1776  presented the colors, in honor of Jamie Smith, at the West Morris High School Football Game.