Houses passes H.R. 299 Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veteran Act by a vote of 410-0 |
May14, 2019
No. 19-9
Mokie Porter
VVA Applauds House Veterans Affairs Leadership for Introduction of
(Washington, D.C.) — “On the eve of the House vote on H.R. 299, the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2019, VVA applauds Veterans Affairs Chair Mark Takano (D-CA) and Ranking Member Dr. Phil Roe (R-TN) for their leadership and their deep resolve in ensuring our Blue Water Navy veterans receive the healthcare and benefits they have earned by virtue of their service during the Vietnam War,” said John Rowan, VVA National President. “We expect that our Senators in the 116th Congress will do the right thing and pass the bill when it appears before them.” H.R.299, the first bill introduced this Congress by Chair Takano, is similar to a bill that was passed unanimously in the House of Representatives last Congress but was stalled in the Senate by Sens. Mike Enzi (R-WY) and Mike Lee (R-UT), despite overwhelming bipartisan support. Members from both sides of the aisle will again vote to extend benefits to some 90,000 service members who served in the territorial waters off Vietnam and were exposed to Agent Orange. “Contrary to the VA’s assertions, noted Rowan, “we have the science that shows the pathways of exposure to this insidious herbicide.” Earlier this year, VA Secretary Robert Wilkie voiced opposition to the legislation, reversing an earlier commitment by his predecessor, Dr. David Shulkin, to “do the right thing.” Secretary Wilke has now reversed his earlier position and has urged the administration not to appeal the U.S. Appeals Court decision in Alfred Procopio, Jr., V. Robert Wilkie, which will, in fact, restore healthcare and benefits to many veterans who served in the waters off Vietnam. It will also extend benefits to veterans who served in Thailand and those who served along the DMZ in Korea at any time. “We applaud Secretary Wilke for his support in moving forward to assist Blue Water Navy Veterans,” said Rowan. In February 2002, the VA abruptly terminated benefits to the 534,300+ Blue Water U.S. Navy, Coast Guard, and FMF Marine veterans, thereby limiting the scope of the Agent Orange Act of 1991 to veterans who could provide proof of “boots on the ground” in Vietnam which encompassed ground forces and the inland rivers. Suddenly, offshore veterans stopped receiving VA health care and disability compensation. The Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act, when signed into law, will right this wrong. Mokie Pratt Porter Vietnam Veterans of America |
West Morris HS Visit by Vietnam War Vetrans
Vietnam Veterans of our post visited West Morris High School for a class discussion on the Vietnam War with the history students on this April 29, 2019 . Those attending from L to R : Larry Oppel, Chuck Dauchert, Tom McBride, Tom Holden, John Larkin, Ed Twomey, and Rod Della-Salla.
Vet Visit- Bob DeRose.
Our newest honorary member of Post 1776: Bob DeRose. Bob really enjoyed our visit, and we enjoyed being with Bob and his wife Kathie on 4/14/19.
West Morris Central High School Visit to Vietnam Memorial
On April 8, 2019 members of Post 1776 accompanied students from WMC HS on a field trip to the Vietnam Memorial i Holmdel, NJ.
The New Jersey Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Holmdel Township, New Jersey, honors those from that state who served in the Vietnam War, especially the 1,562 men and one woman who were killed or missing in action.
Below are pictures of the field trip.
This is a comprehensive paper from Chapter 327 Vietnam veterans of America addressing veterans concerning agent orange and exposures to dioxins
especially for all veterans during the war. I think that our post members should be kept up to date on these issues. Click on Link below.
John Forrest Timan
Hy Guys/Gals….I’m the proud grandfather of John Forrest Timan….recently completed US Army training at Fort Benning, GA…..and now student at West Virginia Univ. majoring in American History….I’m hoping he gets a job at West Morris…..Woody
To: Woody Burgener
Subject: John Timan US Army
Invitation from North Warren Regional School
Washington Township Christmas Party
On December 10, 2018 the members of AVAWT and their famlies were invited to join the senior citizens of Washington Twp for their annual Christmas party/luncheon at he Black Oak Country Club in Lon Valley. A great time was had by all.
Veterans Dinner at Chesapeake Tavern
On veterans day 2018, members and their families meet at he Chesapeake Tavern in Long Valley for a veterans dinner. Thanks to the Chesapeake Tavern for ofering dinners to the vets. A good time was had all.
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